AFCENT Reserve Corps (Forward)
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Distinctive Unit Insignia

A silver color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches in width consisting of a rainbow of the colors red, yellow and blue with a silver star on white in its center, all issuing from a wavy blue base, and below is a wavy silver scroll with the motto STRENGTH REINFORCED in blue letters.

White and blue are the colors traditionally associated with a United States Army Corps.  The star is adopted from the coat of arms of Maastricht, the Netherlands, where the unit was activated.  The rainbow refers to the United States Army, Europe, shoulder sleeve insignia and the colors are those of three basic combat arms (Infantry, Armor and Field Artillery) which are the basis of the units for which the headquarters plans.  The design illustrates the headquarters mission as bridging the waves representing the Atlantic Ocean, thus symbolizing the reinforcement of Europe.  The motto Strength Reinforced suggests the commitment of the United States to reinforce Western Europe.

The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 15 July 1985.

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